Flavia Kumari Day
2 min readNov 30, 2020



It has been a long time I have not penned anything, I guess my journey has been within. A journey of growth, of pain, of love, of all emotions you could encompass on a beam of sunlight, down to it’s microcellular component.

I sit here wandering, how I am merely an ad addendum of infinity, a cornucopia, which regardless of whether you look at it from the top to the bottom or bottom upwards, it just simply is. It is where I decide to look that defines my path.

How is this? Looking one may say is defined by your eyes. True, the majority adheres to this concept. Defining it as such, creates order in disorder, it allows a singular application to one word. Yet, its not so simple.

Looking is from the eye of the beholder, what shapes their existence. A singular experience. Denying this means , we seek to build reason where there is no reason, brick upon brick of rigidity without room for flexibility. We take away the wonder with which we were born, eye that do not see through a construct of a bank account or a PHD.

I guess, I wrote this as reminder, not to forget who we are, not to forget who I am,. Not to stay in one mould, too long, if our heart does not beat for it. If the vision of our truth, does not echo from the sight of one’s heart. If the heart of that inner child, does not beat.

Am I saying to listen to that beat and live recklessly? No. I’m reminding us to listen within, see from within as much as outside, stand in the middle look up, look down. Be the infinite being you are.

The bank account, the car, the check list of outward factors, will follow, once one dares to live.

This, is as much a reminder to me , as to others.

As once again we creep towards a second phase of freedom.



Flavia Kumari Day

Writing is just part of what I do for myself, if I can benefit other, or help anyone ,it is an honour, bestowed by what I believe is destiny. Life is a journey